Sunday, November 27, 2011

What is Occupy Wall Street

Obama said in his campaign that he wanted a civilian military as strong and well funded as the real military. A civilian military is not responsible to anyone but him. This is a tactic designed to negate the strength of the citizens and the 2nd amendment as well as the military. Socialists know that their ideas are not wanted by free people so they rename them as something else to hide the real nature of what they are doing.

Enter Occupy Wall Street, phase I. This movement is totally funded by the left, SEIU, Soros and many others. The left sees the TEA parties as a rising army, racists, terrorists and radicals clinging to their guns and religion. Occupy is not a grass root movement, it is orchestrated in the White House and is the anti-TEA party and Obama's civilian army.

This is only phase 1, designed to see problems early. If you look back 4 years Obama was working hard for a radical muslim to become the president of Kenya. The polls looked bad and several memos showed up that showed the senator telling his friend if you lose, bring all your supporters and riot in the streets. Scream that the elections were stolen and don't back down. The event worked and the election was conceded to Obama's loser. All of this has disappeared from the internet.

This is what Occupy Wall Street is and is yet another reason Obama belongs in a Mexican jail for Fast and Furious.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Strong Endorsement From Senator Rand Paul!

The most important job in Kentucky after the governor is the Auditor. U.S. Senator Paul' endorsement is quoted below... this is very strong!

Dear Friend,

As a Kentuckian, a conservative and a constant thorn in the side of the political status quo, I fully support John Kemper for Kentucky State Auditor.

At times, Frankfort can be a lot like Washington. The political class believes it knows what is best and doesn't listen to the voice of the people.

I can tell you John Kemper would fight the establishment in Frankfort. Fight it every day. And he would bring honesty and transparency to our state finances.

You see, the State Auditor is the watchdog of your tax dollars. Who is spending it, when and why. Too often, this post is filled by a card-carrying member of the political class -- someone who has his eye so firmly on the next office he wants that waste, fraud and corruption are often swept under the rug.

But John Kemper is different.

One of the strongest ideas I've heard from any politician in recent memory is John's plan to shine a spotlight on government spending by putting state government expenditures online – where a simple search by any citizen would uncover problems.

It is a simple, yet powerful idea. Common sense, you might say. But then, John is having to run on this idea this year because no one in Frankfort has had the common sense to do this before!

I think we can all agree: Common sense is a great trait in an officeholder – and perhaps the one too often lacking.

John is a true fiscal conservative. He supports lower taxes, smaller government and more jobs through a better energy policy.

He also believes every area of government should be examined so that as little of your tax dollars and freedom are taken in the name of government.

We share these goals and ideals, and I hope you'll consider voting for John on November 8.

But beyond that, I hope you will help John in his fight by helping his campaign with a contribution today.

John is fighting the special interests and the moneyed elite in this battle. They know he can't be bought, and they know he isn't one of them, so they are fighting tooth and nail to keep him out of this auditor's job.

John will expose the corruption. He will crusade against the cronyism. He will declare war on the waste and abuse.

Because of that, the tax-and-spend, grip-and-grin lobbyist crowd is loading the campaign of his opponent with cash.

John must have your help to fight back today.

So please, give John your support. Send him your maximum possible contribution by going to his website:

Volunteer for him. Ask if you can make some calls. Help make sure John can bring change to Frankfort this election day.

In Liberty,

Rand Paul
U.S. Senator

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sharing the Middle Leg

John Kemper's opponent, claims to be independent of his former boss, Governor Beshear. Adam was his Chief of Staff until he resigned to run for Auditor. He claims to be independent of his former boss yet their signs share the middle leg. These signs are all over Kentucky and clearly one team installed them together.

KRS 43.050 calls for "... an auditor who is entirely independent of the state administration he is called upon to audit..." The word "independent" appears 3 times in the first paragraph. Clearly the intent of the law was not for the governor's Chief of Staff to be the Auditor of the governor.

The fox can't be allowed to guard the hen house any longer. Kentucky is broke and our government is the reason!

The Auditor of Public Accounts was written into our first constitution in 1792 because our founders knew that government would become corrupt... they were right!

40 years in a row, one party has audited Kentucky. That has to end now! Please help John Kemper end this government take over of We the People!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Duped Have to be Unduped One at a Time

Barack Obama has led America in the wrong direction and America knows it. We will not re-elect him. The question is, how can we minimize the damage he and other progressive socialists before him have done to our constitution.

The answer is education. The duped have to be unduped one at a time. It is up to us. Many organizations are formed around this, 912 in particular, thank you Eric Wilson and many others. If every person of like beliefs will pick 10 people and slowly educate them, we can reverse this. It is up to us.

The progressives knew a long time ago that education was critical to destroy freedom and they were patient. They started at the colleges and universities and moved to lower. They now have it all and we are where we are.

Please help! Take it on yourself to talk to your neighbors, family and friends. History and civics are rewritten today and the only way to take America back is patient education.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Negotiations Are Over Mr. Obama

Dear Mr. Obama,
America is trying to climb out of debt and your leadership is required in this matter. We are up against the debt ceiling soon and nothing short of more taxes is worthy of your consideration. This is unacceptable to the American people, they want spending reduced now and so do we. All Americans are reducing spending and so should the government, it is time for you to lead.

We detailed a budget in April in the house and sent it to the senate with a large margin of votes. It was not debated there or an alternative produced. Your budget was debated there and was defeated 97 to 0. The constitution requires a budget every year and we have not had one for your entire presidency.

The negotiations are over Mr. president. Our budget is available to you and the senate. It passed here and can be signed into law quickly. If the debt ceiling is not raised, revenues are available to pay most bills of the country. Your spending spree is over, it is time to be responsible and live within your means. No more debt will be incurred on the backs of our children.

If the house was to publicize an action similar to this, the American people would cheer and the Emperors lack of clothes would be shown to all. Stand strong Boehner and others, we have to chop the head off of this monster now!

Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Progressive Movement

The progressives have moved further and further into American government. Woodrow Wilson started it, Franklin Roosevelt amplified it and Lyndon Johnson cast another anchor. Now we have Barack Soetoro or whatever his name really is.

Before 1913, the federal government spent about 3% of GDP and wrote less than 100 pages of laws a year. Our constitution was written to protect this. "A republic, if you can keep it."

With Obama, Pelosi and Reid, we got Obamacare, takeover of GM and government control over most banking services. Many, many more of these can be named.

The last republican budget was 2006 and the deficit was 160 billion actual. Unemployment was 4.7% and gas was $1.87.

This year the federal government will spend over 25% of GPD and laws passed are in hundreds of thousands pages. Now we have 1.5 trillion deficit, unemployment 9.2%, haha and gas $3.79.

The progressive movement has to be stopped or America is dead. We were the bastion of freedom in the world, the shining city on a hill, the place for hope throughout humanity. To save America, we have to stand united and reduce government.

Please educate all those around you. The progressives have education also, so we have to start there.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Corporate Jets and Barack Obama.

He hates them, 6 negative statements about them at budget speech June 29. Imagine, they don't have to go through security... those evil rich.
This is classic Obama. Attack by means of community organizing! Stir up a crisis and then be the solution and when that doesn't work, it is because we need more of it. Maybe a union to run it.

If the private sector got to run airports instead of government, there would be no TSA and terrorists would actually not be allowed to get on planes. Government is the problem, not the solution and this is the perfect example.

Government is exactly why America is in debt, depression and is losing the lead in the world. Amazing, success disappears when government grows. I think that was exactly the objective of our constitution. We should follow it again.
Privatize 90% of government and we will lead the world again.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Obama Breaks Law Daily

The Constitution be damned. It took the bastard 2 times to swear to uphold the constitution at inauguration . It was all a lie. Obama, Seturo, or whatever his name is is a fraud. Of my 3 rental units, 2 are black friends and hate Obama now and both voted for him in 2008. It isn't race!
Obama is toast except the fraud, the unions, the government employees, illegal aliens and the welfare stete.
All 52% remaining Americans need to stand together, this is our last chance. We have to vote him and them out in 2012.
Kemper for Auditor in 2011 in Kentucky!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Democrats Laundry List... Obamacare.

As those of you that have been following know, every statist wish was rolled into this bill. No one read it because the democrats had both houses of congress and Obama.

Jan 1, 2012 the real estate sales tax kicks in. 3.8% of the sale of any real estate will be withdrawn at closing to pay the new tax.. With the market way down, this stops even more transactions. Capitalism and private property are the enemy of socialists and their intent is to destroy it!

First, the government bloats the market with buyers that can't afford the house, causing a bubble. Then they take a 3.8% of a sale off the top. This is how you paralyze another market. There is no explanation for this other than intentional. Obama has 1.4 years left and will try to executive order every bad policy that he can.

He doesn't care if he's a one term president, he just wants to do the most damage he can. Socialism is his goal and he won't run in 2012 because his birth certificate is forged. His damage is the worst since Woodrow Wilson. To socialists, he is a hero.

To freedom and liberty he is schmuck! Thank goodness for the TEA parties!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

White House Dinner on Taxpayers Expense

The White house was on budget with this dinner because there were no special guests and no outside chefs. This is Tuesday's dinner. Our grandkids are going to pay for the Hope and Change of this menu.

White House Honey Gastrique
Tuna Tartare with Rye Crisps
Pickled Young Carrots and Mustard Oil
Spring Pea Salad
Shaved Ham and Ginger Snaps
Petite Filet
With Maryland Crab Ravioli
Wild Ramp Puree
Apple Strudel
Golden Raisins and Topfen

Usually they blow the budget because they bring in chefs from all over the world. THIS IS SICK! The ruling class of progressives need to go permanently.

Friday, May 20, 2011

The Governor's race 2011 in Kentucky

The primary is over, David Williams won the GOP, Beshear had no opposition. The GOP vote was quite split with the winner getting less than 50% of the vote with 3 candidates. The TEA parties and the GOP fought hard in this race and the winning candidate got less votes than the Ag Comm and the Auditor. Houston, we have a problem.
What do we republicans do now? There is a unity rally tomorrow in Frankfort and soon after( too far apart driving to make both) TBK meets to minimize damage. Several TEA party organizations have already thrown their support to Gatewood and I posted a few weeks ago the same.
This is a problem!
If Beshear wins, we have 4 more years of the same, only slightly less with Williams. If our vote is split we lose. As most of you know, I don't support Williams or Farmer or Beshear.
Can we demand concessions?
Can we minimize the damage?
Do we want Gatewood governor?
We are stuck with it! Phil asked me earlier today to stop a write in campaign. As usual he is right, it is pointless and counterproductive.
I hope to see as many of you as possible tomorrow in Etown at TBK. Thank you Norm Davis and many others!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why Hemp Should Be Legalized

In 1936 Dupont and Chevron figured a way to make rope from oil, nylon. The movie, Reefer Madness was produced by them to tie Marijuana and Hemp together. It worked and Dupont got a huge rope order under FDR's progressive guidance and Dupont's and Chevron's lobbying. Hemp was interstate commerce, so could be federally banned and was in 1937. The stacked Supreme court of FDR affirmed.
Rope prices skyrocketed as Kentucky's primary crop was legislated out of business by the ruling class. Hemp is gone and under government guidance marijuana is now Kentucky's #1 cash crop. Thank you government, you are uninformed or stupid.
Another amazing thing - Because marijuana and hemp cross pollinate, hemp producers eradicate marijuana within a bee's flight range, about a mile. Cross pollinization ruins both crop's seeds. Government is the problem, not the solution.
It is time to chain the federal government down and get them out of Kentucky. Nullify the federal hemp law. Take a lead as a state, exercising the 10th amendment. We want less marijuana and hemp for all that buy it. By the way, 8 barrels of oil per acre, see why Chevron lobbied with Dupont!
Mike Stephens

Saturday, April 23, 2011

John Kemper is the Fighter We Need for Auditor!

The Grant county Lincoln dinner was the most interesting yet! There was a wonderful surprise, Joe Miller! This true patriot spoke of TEA party values that the GOP needs to embrace to thrive. He wants to return to the constitution and God bless him. Thank you Joe! The candidates all got 5 minutes to speak, then Senator Damon Thayer keynoted.
This is what made it even more interesting. As a sitting senator, you are not supposed to favor in a primary. Wearing a Wuchner sticker and a Williams sticker, he called out Candidate Kemper (opposing Wuchner) by name about something that Kemper campaigns on, on-line government spending. Thayer said his senate bill 7 causes this and it is not an issue. Thayer's was trying to remove Kemper's issue, Kemper stood up for himself and walked down the isle and waited for a chance to reply. The encounter was classic!
This was overtly political by Thayer who couldn't answer Kemper. We need strong people like John Kemper to take this government back. He fought tonight and We The People won. David Williams was right next to Kemper while he was in the isle and tried repeatedly to get John to sit down, the Burkesville Bully!.
I made a decision tonight David Williams. If you are the nominee, I will vote for Gatewood. This has been discussed by many of us in the TEA party movement, I changed my mind tonight David.
Damon, look for a primary little man, you painted a bullseye on your own back tonight. You people in the republican party had better wake up. Beshear will beat Williams and we will be standing with our thumbs up our collective butts. John Kemper will be the Auditor.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Bobbie Holsclaw Ruined her Campaign Tonight.

At the WROCK Candidates Forum tonight she blew it. WROCK stands for Women Republicans of Central Kentucky. As a woman, Bobbie had a distinct advantage and threw it over the cliff and followed it.
I don't even remember the question, it doesn't matter. She dodged an answer with useless gibberish. When the questioner asked her to answer it, Bobbie, instead of giving an answer attacked the woman sternly. She completely lost her cool. Even if she didn't want to answer the question, she could have handled it in any other way.
The members of WROCK were all stunned and any support she had left as quickly as Bobbie and Ed did after it was over. This will go everywhere as there were a lot of people there that would have liked to hear an answer. This was childish and unworthy of a candidate for governor.
The only reason that this ticket stays in the race is to hurt another candidate. It is time to leave Bobbie. My apologies to Bill Vermillion who is an outstanding individual. I hope he will return to politics in another position. I will support him as will a lot of other people. But after tonight, I would vote for Gatewood before Bobbie.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

David Williams... Stay in the Senate and Unite posted a story that Richie's wife filed for divorce. Multiple sources have told me about an incident in a bar when Richie had very unflattering words about David. There has been stories about Richie's affairs for a long time, many have details, the democrats are licking their chops. Williams/Farmer is falling apart.

Phil's internal polls have him up by 8% and as a person all over the state in this roll for another office, I see this plus a bunch even within the GOP. The people that organized for Rand are even more powerful and organized plus have another great candidate, Phil Moffett. I think even better. I wasn't part of that team but have joined now. It appears that Rand's 23% win over Trey is going to be repeated no matter how much money is spent.

David, you lead the senate, do the best thing for Kentucky, support Phil and stand by him for governor. You talk a lot about uniting. Walk the walk for our state please.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Boehner Cried Again Because He Lost

With a last minute deal stopping a government shutdown, 38.5 billion in cuts were agreed to by both houses of congress and the president. They bought a week but the deal doesn't make the cuts until the full bill is passed, whatever that means. The rules that the house voted in, in January, require that all legislation is posted for 48 hours before a vote. This agreement required a vote to become law. Not only did the 61 billion drop to 38.5, that is bad, but what is worse, they kept Planned Parenthood and NPR funding. Boehner should be crying because Reid said it was historic. It is time to primary John Boehner. 38.5 billion with the deficit 1,650 billion. This is pathetic.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Shut Down the Government!

Stand strong congress. If you wish reelection in 2012, you will not back down. 57% of the people want the government shut down if drastic cuts in spending are not made. I shout it, SHUT IT DOWN.

We are stuck with too much government, it is time to SHUT IT DOWN. Only fund that which is constitutional. That is what you are hired for, now do your job and SHUT IT DOWN. Stand strong and tell the people that you are for the constitution and aren't going to pay with our grandchildren's money anymore to buy Kobi beef for Obama and the Department of Propaganda and the 87 agencies that are not teaching anybody for 82 billion last year.

It's no wonder that the government has more employees than manufacturing. Regulate and tax the private sector out of business and then give their money to your voters. SHUT IT DOWN or we will run you out of office. We The People are full awake, and we are locked and loaded. This TEA partier will work hard to primary RINOs and defeat socialists.

Wake up GOP. If you want to survive as a party, embrace We The People. United we stand, divided we fall. John Kemper for Auditor, Phil Moffett for Governor, Bill Johnson for Secretary of State and Todd P'Pool for Attorney General, Ken Moellman for Treasurer and I like both for Ag Comm, win win!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Auditor of Kentucky - Elect John Kemper - 2011

This is the most important election in America this year. Democrats have been guarding our tax dollars for 39 years. It's no wonder we are broke.

KRS 43.050
(1) The Auditor constitutes an agency independent of the administrative departments enumerated in KRS 12.020, it being the policy of the General Assembly to provide for the independent auditing of the accounts, financial transactions, and performance of all spending agencies of the state through a disinterested auditor, who is entirely independent of the state administration whose affairs he is called upon to audit...

"a disinterested auditor, who is entirely independent of the state administration whose affairs he is called upon to audit"

Our tax dollars are spent by the legislature and signed into law by the governor. In John's primary is a legislator and in the general, the governor's chief of staff until he resigned to run for this office, Sept 15, 2010.

We need "independent", not a legislator or a governor's tool. John Kemper will be the guardian of your tax dollars.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Obamacare Repeal Great, GOP Unity Even Better

The vote to repeal Obamacare was big, the unity of the GOP bigger. They are going to be beaten, vetoed and filibustered hard for the next 23 months, I hope that the republicans realize the power of their adversaries and stand together through repeated defeats. We The People are behind them and will reward them with our support both financially and with effort and time. But they have to take the budget cutting, smaller government path, not just words to that effect.

I am just a guy with a keyboard, but knocked on over 1000 doors last fall. My 32 years of being an entrepreneur has forced me to politics and I am learning fast. The sleeping giant is awake and watching closely.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Good News for 2011

This new congress is bound and determined to prove they are worthy of reelection in 2012. They will vote to repeal Obamacare but lose. They will vote to return to 2008 spending levels and lose again. They will try to force a balanced budget amendment by tying it to the March 4 budget that was due last October. There will be many more similar votes as this congress wants the TEA parties on their side and can't live without them. The house moves way right and does so in the open!
In the senate, watch Mike Lee, Jim DeMint, Pat Toomey, Rand Paul and others fight to join the house in these smaller government goals. 23 democrat senators are up in 2012 to 10 republicans. Several democrats will cross the isle to force filibusters and it will be too big to hide in the liberal media. Harry Reid will not change nor will Nancy Pelosi or Barack Oama. The GOP may actually have the majority January 5 in the senate in terms of votes.
FDR used the Veto 635 times as president, George W. Bush, 11. Obama has his pen out now that the progressives have lost congress. He will need it a lot, because conservatives have learned how to play politics. We have been building businesses, etc. and avoided politics. No longer, the progressive socialists are going to be put in the spotlight and that light will be trained on them until they are voted out.
This fight has gone on since the constitution was ratified and will not stop. Fortunately, We The People are now awake and we won't take it anymore. Good news for 2011. Please join a local group and get on this mission. Like minded conservatives have learned that teaching is what will return voters to the right and we are having a lot of fun at the goals set. We constitutional conservatives are smarter than the liberal progressive socialists and "United We Stand".