Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tyranny in Congress

For over a century the socialists have planned a slow erosion of freedom. Chip, chip, chip. The progressive implementation of the 16th and 17th amendments to the constitution in 1913 were the tools that allowed it to happen.

Today, our majority in congress knows more about Saul Alinsky than Thomas Jefferson and our president taught Alinsky to our youth while a professor in Chicago.

The radical left is trying now to use nonexistent rules to impose another takeover of private industry. This one is their goal... health care. Once they control your health, they control you... rationing, death panels and pain pills. It has failed everywhere in the world. The people are against this, but the socialists that run congress don't care, they want power and this is it.

Ben Chandler voted no on this the last time because the 3 vote win did not require his vote. It now does as they lost 3 votes as 2 died and one changed parties. Ben is under the gun and won't answer his phone. Please email him.

This is tyranny folks, implemented by the enemy within, Obama, Pelosi and Reid. Reid's wife was in a bad car wreck Wednesday with a broken neck. Where is Harry? In secret meetings, typical. We may have to go to Washington to stop this. They are trying to do this without a vote. The people are supposed to be in control, we are not, the radical left is. This is up to us and we have to shout now. Please write Ben and write him again.

1 comment:

  1. Keep your powder dry. I honestly believe that the left and Obama are pushing this country to the brink of insurrection and more. That will allow martial law to be applied thus suspension of out Civil Rights. Scary, eh?
