Friday, July 1, 2011

Corporate Jets and Barack Obama.

He hates them, 6 negative statements about them at budget speech June 29. Imagine, they don't have to go through security... those evil rich.
This is classic Obama. Attack by means of community organizing! Stir up a crisis and then be the solution and when that doesn't work, it is because we need more of it. Maybe a union to run it.

If the private sector got to run airports instead of government, there would be no TSA and terrorists would actually not be allowed to get on planes. Government is the problem, not the solution and this is the perfect example.

Government is exactly why America is in debt, depression and is losing the lead in the world. Amazing, success disappears when government grows. I think that was exactly the objective of our constitution. We should follow it again.
Privatize 90% of government and we will lead the world again.

1 comment:

  1. We r in debt because of the relationship between the federal government and the unconstitutional Federal Reserve banking cartel who issues federal reserve debt notes out of thin air to feed the insatiable appetite of a leviathon federal government. This debt then incurs interest which is procured through the highly progressive income tax being the second plank of the communist manifesto. The centralized bank is the fifth plank. Every bit of this is contrary to the Constitution. Congress does not even have the power to issue money out of thin air, much less pass on currency issuance to this banking cartel.
