Monday, July 19, 2010

Obama is destroying America on purpose.

Progressive socialists have all law making tools in their hands and they are writing laws like crazy. So fast that you wonder, how can they write faster than they can read? They can't, this was planned a long time ago. It's democrats more than republicans, but both... Reid, Pelosi, Christ, Specter, Snowe as well as Obama.

With regulations, laws, lawsuits and executive orders, Obama has unconstitutionally taken over:
Health care, voting, the internet, insurance companies, banks, media, car companies, drilling in the gulf, student loans, the list goes on.

Foreign relations have turned from pro Christian to pro muslim, from pro America to we're the bad guys. This can only be planned tyranny. A president that won't prove his eligibility, that bows to our enemies, won't stand with our allies, takes over everything, confiscates our assets and regulates our future needs is not upholding his constitutional oath. In fact to the contrary.

Obama founded the Chicago Carbon Exchange. Who do you think will profit from the dithering in the gulf?. The chosen few. Who has had more parties, vacations, and world travel than any previous president when the economy is in the tank. He is a progressive socialist control freak that knows Alinsky and Piven very well. Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright also. Our constitution is in his way because he wants to destroy the America I love.

We have to vote out the people in congress that don't stand for the freedom of We The People. Only, united we stand. November 2, 2010 is critical, please educate your family, friends and neighbors, we have to stop this tyranny and at Obama's rate, this is our last chance.

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