Sunday, May 8, 2011

Why Hemp Should Be Legalized

In 1936 Dupont and Chevron figured a way to make rope from oil, nylon. The movie, Reefer Madness was produced by them to tie Marijuana and Hemp together. It worked and Dupont got a huge rope order under FDR's progressive guidance and Dupont's and Chevron's lobbying. Hemp was interstate commerce, so could be federally banned and was in 1937. The stacked Supreme court of FDR affirmed.
Rope prices skyrocketed as Kentucky's primary crop was legislated out of business by the ruling class. Hemp is gone and under government guidance marijuana is now Kentucky's #1 cash crop. Thank you government, you are uninformed or stupid.
Another amazing thing - Because marijuana and hemp cross pollinate, hemp producers eradicate marijuana within a bee's flight range, about a mile. Cross pollinization ruins both crop's seeds. Government is the problem, not the solution.
It is time to chain the federal government down and get them out of Kentucky. Nullify the federal hemp law. Take a lead as a state, exercising the 10th amendment. We want less marijuana and hemp for all that buy it. By the way, 8 barrels of oil per acre, see why Chevron lobbied with Dupont!
Mike Stephens

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